Vulnerability Assessment

Identifying and mitigating security risks

ACTG assesses client defenses against likely attacker tactics, enhancing security resilience and preparedness against potential threats.

    Reduce Cost

    Minimize Risk

    Increase Productivity

    Stay Focused

    Various tests are used to assess system security strength.

    Identifying and Mitigating Security Risks to Safeguard Your Digital Assets and Infrastructure.

    ACTG’s vulnerability assessment services rigorously evaluate clients’ defense mechanisms against potential attacker tactics, focusing on likely attack scenarios. We deliver actionable recommendations, categorizing findings based on risk, exploit probability, and potential business impact. This enables clients to prioritize remediation efforts effectively. Our assessments align with compliance standards such as IT Technology Act, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and HIPAA.

    The security assessment scrutinizes the implementation and effectiveness of information system security controls, ensuring they operate as intended and provide the desired security level. Subsequently, vulnerability assessments pinpoint inherent weaknesses in information systems, highlighting potential exploitation points that could lead to breaches. By conducting these assessments, clients gain insight into their security posture and can proactively address vulnerabilities, bolstering their overall security resilience.

    Excellent service

    We are an industry-leading ‘Cybersecurity As A Service’ provider

    Certified company

    Adhering to Standards such as the IT Technology Act, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and HIPAA for Robust Security Measures.

    Extensive experience

    We have an established track record of over 38 years and have worked with 2400+ global clients

    Latest technology

    We provide security services by using best-in-class technology solutions

    Identify and mitigate security weaknesses to safeguard digital assets.

    ACTG conducts thorough vulnerability assessments to identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring robust defense mechanisms against potential threats. By proactively mitigating vulnerabilities, we safeguard clients’ digital assets and enhance their overall security posture.

    Common Types of Vulnerability Assessments:

    Assessment of Database Security for Comprehensive Protection.

    Database and big data system assessments identify vulnerabilities, rogue databases, and sensitive data across organizational infrastructure, enhancing security and mitigating risks.

    Evaluating Network and Wireless Security

    Assessing policies and practices to prevent unauthorized network access, safeguarding private and public networks and resources from potential threats.

    Application Security Scans for Robust Protection

    Employing automated scans and source code analysis to uncover security vulnerabilities in web applications, enhancing protection against potential threats and ensuring robust security measures.

    Assessing Host Security with Targeted Tests

    Evaluating critical servers to detect vulnerabilities and prevent potential attacks. Host-based scans analyze exposed ports, services, and configuration settings, providing insights into patch management and ensuring robust security measures.

    Uniting Intelligence and Mindset for Cyber-Security Excellence

    ACTG offers comprehensive security expertise, minimizing risks in managing IT infrastructure. Transform your cyber-security strategy for a competitive edge, driving efficiency with precision and foresight.

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