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Expert-Led Tabletop Exercises Tailored to Your Organization
Explore Tabletop Exercises for Your Security Preparedness Needs with ACTG!
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Expert-Led Tabletop Exercises Tailored to Your Needs
Tailored Tabletop Exercises Guided by Industry Experts
A tabletop exercise is a simulated scenario used for training and preparedness purposes. It typically involves key stakeholders gathering around a table (or virtually) to discuss and role-play responses to a hypothetical emergency or crisis situation.
During the exercise, participants discuss their roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes as they navigate through the scenario. The focus is on communication, coordination, and problem-solving, rather than physical actions.
Tabletop exercises are valuable tools for organizations to assess and improve their emergency preparedness, identify gaps in plans and procedures, and enhance teamwork and decision-making skills among participants. They can cover a wide range of scenarios, including natural disasters, cybersecurity incidents, public health emergencies, and more.
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