Committed to trending

Ensure Excellence with Comprehensive Code Reviews

Seeking application security solutions? Hire ACTG for detailed source code inspections and vulnerability assessments of front and back-end services

    Reduce Cost

    Minimize Risk

    Increase Productivity

    Stay Focused

    Strengthen Your Enterprise with Rigorous Reviews Service

    Strengthen Your Enterprise with Rigorous Reviews Service

    In today’s landscape, where enterprises face relentless attacks from malicious sources, superior code review stands as a cornerstone for maintaining competitiveness. Code review and analysis empower developers to identify, review, and eradicate vulnerabilities before application deployment, enabling software purchasers to preemptively detect flaws pre-purchase. In today’s fiercely competitive market, prioritizing secure code development not only enhances productivity and cost-efficiency but also safeguards data integrity.

    A seemingly minor coding oversight can trigger critical vulnerabilities, compromising entire systems or networks. Often, vulnerabilities stem not from isolated errors but from a cascade of issues occurring throughout the development cycle.

    Our application code review specialists collaborate with internal developers, optimizing the development process to yield a more resilient product. At ACTG, we conduct exhaustive inspections of application source code, assessing the vulnerability of front and back-end services. With extensive experience across diverse environments, we ensure comprehensive protection for your digital assets.

    Excellent service

    We are an industry-leading ‘Cybersecurity As A Service’ provider

    Certified company

    Adhering to Standards such as IT Technology Act, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and HIPAA for Robust Security Measures.

    Extensive experience

    We have an established track record of over 38 years and have worked with 2400+ global clients

    Latest technology

    We provide security services by using best-in-class technology solutions

    Superior Security, Cost-Effective Solutions

    Application security, often abbreviated as App Sec, encompasses comprehensive measures spanning software, hardware, best practices, and techniques. Its aim is to detect, remediate, and prevent flaws, threats, and vulnerabilities.

    Prioritized across the application development lifecycle, from analysis to design, testing, deployment, and maintenance, it minimizes the risk of unauthorized access by threat actors.

    Here are a few examples of the potential outcomes of a cyber assault on the energy sector:

    Essential Controls for Application Security Testing

    Empower developers to preemptively address vulnerabilities with thorough code review and analysis, ensuring a secure application launch, while providing buyers with confidence by identifying flaws prior to purchase.

    Code vulnerability assessment for security

    Even a minor coding mistake can lead to significant vulnerabilities, often stemming from a series of errors during development. Vulnerability assessment tools automatically scan for threats, including web application scanners and protocol scanners, to safeguard against potential attacks.

    Establish streamlined process for defect resolution

    Streamlining defect resolution post-code review ensures effectiveness and minimal technical debt. Utilizing tools such as WAF, Application/Change/Integrity Control enhances security and integrity.

    Enhance productivity, cut costs, and safeguard data integrity

    Code review remains a trusted quality practice, yet time and resource constraints drive the adoption of Automated Code Review tools. ACTG conducts thorough inspections, assessing tool vulnerability for front and back-end services.

    Uniting Intelligence and Mindset for Cyber-Security Excellence

    ACTG offers comprehensive security expertise, minimizing risks in managing IT infrastructure. Transform your cyber-security strategy for a competitive edge, driving efficiency with precision and foresight.

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