Your Cyber Security is Our Priority



Say goodbye to everyday threats, with the cybersecurity of tomorrow

End to End Security Expertise



ACTG is a step ahead, when it comes to embracing the rapid technological advances in the IT industry.

Organizations today are facing a deluge of information security threats ranging from malware to sophisticated attacks that force them to compromise their day to day operations. The threat is significant for companies that handle large amounts of customer data. In addition, enterprises need to be compliant with various Government regulations and laws.

ACTG provides end to end security expertise that reduces the risks in operating and managing an organization’s IT infrastructure that includes network, data center, servers and other IT assets.

We help reduce the information security management costs and make them more predictable. Our expertise cuts across multiple domains including banking, financial services and insurance sector, to manufacturing, retail and other verticals.

ACTG offers a complete lifecycle security services portfolio and our approach is consultative and business-driven.

Our service offerings span the entire gamut starting with consulting services with a strong focus on business problem identification and resolution that are delivered as fixed time projects. We address Product consulting, GRC (governance, risk and compliance), vulnerability and threat management domains.

Next-Gen Solutions

Solutions that serve the whole organization


Time and again it has been established that organizations are forced to spend millions of dollars to recover from a security breach because of lost opportunities & remediation efforts. Penetration testing or Pen-Testing involves a series of activities, which help you identify and exploit security vulnerabilities through real life security tests.

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ACTG’s vulnerability assessment services evaluate the strength of its clients' defences against the attacks that are most likely to be used by actual attackers. All findings are rated based upon their risk, the probability of exploitation and the potential business impact. This allows clients to focus on addressing issues that matter the most. VA can be configured to run tests configuring compliance policy of standards like IT Technology Act, PCI DSS, ISO 27001 and HIPPA.

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Regulatory /
Compliance Audits

ACTG provides support, advice and assurance to helps manage regulatory risks for all organizations engaged in activities that are under regulatory control. In an ever-changing regulatory environment, we help ensure that you identify, manage and control any existing and future regulatory risks. A proactive rather than a monitoring approach to regulation is now a full-time strategic business activity.

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Code Reviews

With enterprises under attack from malicious sources, a small coding error can result in a critical vulnerability resulting in compromising the security of an entire system or network. Code review and code analysis enables your developers to identify, review & eliminate vulnerabilities before the application goes live and helps software purchasers identify flaws in the application before purchasing.

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ACTG partners with leading security OEM’s and their professional services team to help design, implement, configure and also assist them in ongoing operations of security products of their customers. ACTG is ever expanding its experience in a multitude of products both at the network and endpoint layers.

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Why Customers Choose ACTG

Leave IT to seasoned experts who will keep your business running smoothly.

Rapid Deployment

Leave IT to seasoned experts who will keep your business running smoothly.

Comprehensive Coverage

Coverage for 52 languages across 30 communication channels for email, mobile chat, social, and collaboration.

Reduced Costs, Increased Efficiency

Automate consistent policy supervision to gain 100% coverage while reducing oversight costs by up to 80%.





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